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Walk-in Closet Organizers in Toronto to Make the Most of Your Hanging Space
Walk-in Closet Organizers in Toronto to Make the Most of Your Hanging Space
June 27, 2018

Just because you have a walk-in closet doesn’t mean you don’t need walk-in closet organizers in Toronto. After all, a closet is only as functional as the accessories that allow the best use of space. In this edition we talk about accessories that make your space for hanging things a lot neater and a lot more versatile.


Making the most of your wardrobe space means you need to embrace walk-in closet organizers in Toronto. Accessories to organize your hanging space are a great place to start.


We take a look at some hanger organizers that can help declutter your closet in a big way. And the unique storage options can mean you can store a lot of the little things like belts and ties a lot more neatly too.



Spacers for hanging are one of the most useful accessories you can get as walk-in closet organizers in Toronto. The premise is simple: attach the organizer to your hanging rod and place your own hangers into the evenly distributed spaces created. What’s the benefit? Well, aesthetics for one; you can actually see what all you’ve got rather than have small blouses hidden between two thick jackets. Also, evenly spaced hangers mean that clothes don’t rub or fall off when you take out one hanger because they are placed so close to each other.

Another type of spacer, of a simpler design is a simple disc, which is attached to the hanging rod. It fills space and creates even distance between hangers. Both types of spacers are great walk-in closet organizers in Toronto, but the former allows slightly easier use as each space is pre-determined, rather than moving about as you take out clothes.


Tiered organizer

The tiered hanging organizer is one of the most useful and versatile walk-in closet organizers in Toronto. A multi-tiered set up, such organizers essentially take up one hanging space and then provide a multitude of spaces to hang ties and belts. What makes it so useful? All the holders on this one device actually hold the accessory in place. For instance, a tie is held in place and won’t slip out, as a is a belt.


Blanket organizer

Typically, walk-in closet organizers in Toronto are not focused on large and bulky items like blankets, which it is assumed will be stored in a drawer or some other out-of-sight location. However, if your walk-in closet is the primary place of storage in an otherwise constricted living space, blanket organizers are extremely handy walk-in closet organizers in Toronto. These hold your blanket neatly, keeping it free from wrinkles. Being covered, they also keep your blanket clean.

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