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6 Tips to Make Your Room Special
6 Tips to Make Your Room Special
September 30, 2016

If you are looking for the ways to refresh the room design and wish to make it unique, look through our recommendations, allowing you to make the room design special.


Decorating a bedroom or kitchen, it is crucially important to find the right balance between style, functionality and coziness. It makes no matter how much you spend on furniture. Sometimes, rooms seem to be lacking something. However, it doesn’t mean that total renovation of your flat is required. It is possible to solve the situation with the help of a few tricks that require several minutes of your time. They are presented below, look through them and you will be able to add something unique and new to the room design.


1.      Lay Carpets or Rugs


It stands to mention that professional designers frequently use this tip. It is not expensive and really changes the look of the room. Besides, carpets or rugs make the room more stylish and cozier.


2.      Display Conversation Pieces


Such pieces immediately get the attention of your guests. It can be a thrift piece or a random picture, interesting pillows or some other accessories. Each of us can easily find a piece worth talking about.


3.      Make Liquid Soap Bottles


Sometimes, such small accessories as soap bottles or taper holders can make your bathroom look special. Now, let’s speak about soap bottles. Generally we buy labeled soap bottles. Having used the soap, you can soak the bottle in warm soapy water and peel off the labels. By doing so, your bottle will be transparent. Now it looks much better and more stylish.


4.      Use Fresh Flowers     


Flowers can refresh a room. However, there is a rule how to display them. Put them in a vase in the corner of the room. The random placement is much better because in doing so your guests will have the impression that you do this on a regular basis.



5.      Use White Towels        


This tip will not fit for everyone because the choice of white towels is individual. However, white towels can add freshness to the bathroom. Always keep several towels in a bathroom because in doing so, you add the idea of effortless hospitality to the room.


6.      Keep Blankets Over the Sofa


Blankets make the room look cozier and add color pattern to a neutral room. So, don’t hide them in the closet, always try to display blankets.


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