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How to organize teenager’s closet
How to organize teenager’s closet
July 11, 2016

Have you ever wondered why teens refuse to use closet space? Because it’s easier to just throw things on the floor or leave them on the bed! If you want to finally stop the messy trend, it won’t take you much time or effort to revamp your teenager’s closet and make it nice and practical. Just follow a few simple rules.


Be Ruthless When Sorting the Clothes

Donate or throw away any clothes that don’t fit anymore or those that your teenager hasn’t worn in a while. A rule of thumb is to get rid of anything your kid hasn’t worn in a year.

Sort Similar Items

Clear containers with lids or open textile baskets are both perfect for storing purses, bags, socks, hats and other accessories. Keep in mind that storage containers should not be much bigger than the stuff you put in them, otherwise, you’re just wasting valuable closet space. Use bright labels to mark baskets and to make finding things easier.

Make Hanging Space Easy to Reach and Use

As your kid grows, his or her clothes change and become nicer. And that’s when hanging space will be much more useful than open shelves. Remember, that girls will need a higher hanging rod than boys. And you can always customize your closet and give it a character by changing the color of the hangers.

Keep the Closet Space Flexible

Remember that your kids are going to grow and their needs will surely change. Keep the fixed shelving and other stationary features to a minimum and be open to any new ideas your teenager proposes.

If you finally decided to overhaul your teenage’rs closet, you can always count on Closet Solutions. The leading furniture company is ready to fulfill your wishes and create a unique closet that will be perfect for your teen.

Great idea to donate any used clothing.
Posted by: Carrie | July 14, 2016, 3:22 pm
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